mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

Long / Short in the stamp

At the Olympics in Los Angeles came a roll of stamps commemorating the sports practiced. It is noted that the length (short or long jump for example) refers to the pair of concepts studied.

Long / Short Alphabet (spanish)

A: Árbol (Tree)
B: Botella (Bottle)
C: Cadena (Chain)
D: Dedo (Finger)
E: Episodio (Episodic)
F: Fila (Queue)
G: Gusano (Worm)
H: Hilo (Thread)
I: Índice (Index)
J: Jirafa (Giraffe)
L: Lengua (Tongue)
LL: Llave (Key)
M: Mano (Hand)
N: Nudo (Knot)
O: Onda (Wave)
P: Pie (Foot)
Q: Quiste (Cyst)
R: Rulo (Roller)
S: Serpiente (Snake)
T: Trazado (Path)
U: Uña (Nail)
V: Vaso (Glass)
X: Xilófono (Xylophone)
Y: Yo-Yo (yo-yo)
Z: Zapato (Shoe)

Long / Short Alphabet (italian)

A: Albero (Tree)
B: Barca (Boat)
C: Catena (Chain)
D: Domanda (Question)
E: Elastico (Rubber Band)
F: Fronte (Forehead)
G: Giacca (Jacket)
I: Indice (Index)
L: Lingua (Tongue)
M: Manico (Handle)
N: Naso (Nose)
O: Ombra (Shadow)
P: Percorso (Root)
Q: Quaderno (Notebook)
R: Righello (Ruler)
S: Strada (Street)
T: Tavolo (Table)
U: Unghia (Nail)
V: Viaggio (Trip)

Long / Short Alphabet (english)

A: Arm
B: Boat
C: Chain
D: Door
E: Episodic
F: Forehead
G: Game
H: Handle
I: Index
J: Jacket
K: Key
L: Leg
M: Movie
N: Nail
O: Order
P: Park
Q: Question
R: Rubber Band
S: Street
T: Tree
V: Video
W: Winter
X: Xylophone
Z: Zoo

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martedì 2 novembre 2010

Long / Short in cover books

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The book is about long / short in terms of size.

Long / Short in the art

The Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci, provides the concept of the perfect measurements in art (painting), the short and long to be the body parts to represent them and therefore, the proportion should be.

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