mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

Long / Short in the stamp

At the Olympics in Los Angeles came a roll of stamps commemorating the sports practiced. It is noted that the length (short or long jump for example) refers to the pair of concepts studied.

Long / Short Alphabet (spanish)

A: Árbol (Tree)
B: Botella (Bottle)
C: Cadena (Chain)
D: Dedo (Finger)
E: Episodio (Episodic)
F: Fila (Queue)
G: Gusano (Worm)
H: Hilo (Thread)
I: Índice (Index)
J: Jirafa (Giraffe)
L: Lengua (Tongue)
LL: Llave (Key)
M: Mano (Hand)
N: Nudo (Knot)
O: Onda (Wave)
P: Pie (Foot)
Q: Quiste (Cyst)
R: Rulo (Roller)
S: Serpiente (Snake)
T: Trazado (Path)
U: Uña (Nail)
V: Vaso (Glass)
X: Xilófono (Xylophone)
Y: Yo-Yo (yo-yo)
Z: Zapato (Shoe)

Long / Short Alphabet (italian)

A: Albero (Tree)
B: Barca (Boat)
C: Catena (Chain)
D: Domanda (Question)
E: Elastico (Rubber Band)
F: Fronte (Forehead)
G: Giacca (Jacket)
I: Indice (Index)
L: Lingua (Tongue)
M: Manico (Handle)
N: Naso (Nose)
O: Ombra (Shadow)
P: Percorso (Root)
Q: Quaderno (Notebook)
R: Righello (Ruler)
S: Strada (Street)
T: Tavolo (Table)
U: Unghia (Nail)
V: Viaggio (Trip)

Long / Short Alphabet (english)

A: Arm
B: Boat
C: Chain
D: Door
E: Episodic
F: Forehead
G: Game
H: Handle
I: Index
J: Jacket
K: Key
L: Leg
M: Movie
N: Nail
O: Order
P: Park
Q: Question
R: Rubber Band
S: Street
T: Tree
V: Video
W: Winter
X: Xylophone
Z: Zoo

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martedì 2 novembre 2010

Long / Short in cover books

Click to read the book

The book is about long / short in terms of size.

Long / Short in the art

The Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci, provides the concept of the perfect measurements in art (painting), the short and long to be the body parts to represent them and therefore, the proportion should be.

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martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Long / Short in history

Pepin the Short that he was mayor of the palace of Neustria (741-751) and of Austrasia (747-751), later King of the Franks (751-768). Son of Charles Martel and Rotrude of Trèves, was the father of Carloman I and Charlemagne.
He was crowned king of the Franks from the Pope who, threatened by the advance of the Lombards, had obtained the protection and returned the receipt in Pepin with a coronation formally illegitimate.

Long / Short things

Long / Short in movies

Long / Short in song

Short Skirt Long Jacket

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
who is fast and thorough and sharp as a tack,
She is playing with her jewelry, she is putting up her hair
She is touring the facility
and picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket

I want a girl who gets up early

I want a girl who stays up late

I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity


I want a girl with smooth liquidation

I want a girl with good dividends

At Citi Bank we will meet accidently


Long / Short in the literature

In the literature we can see that the concept of long / short is represented by the length of the work. All tell a story but some more detail than others so the amount of leaves and how these are distributed in different ways.

As long work is the novel "Don Quixote", a Spanish work of two volumes. Written in the year "1605-1615" by Miguel de Cervantes with a hardback cover and ancient motifs.
Click to know more

As we have a short story Italian "SnowWhite", is wroten by Brothers Grimm. It is not known when it was written but there is another kind of paper and form of writing. Just 10 minutes to read the full story.
Click to know more


Long / Short in advertisement

TV commercial of a famous brand of gum.
In evidence, the long-term of fresh taste.

Long / Short in geography

Canada's coastline is the world's longest at 243,792 km or 151,485 miles (including the coastline of the country's 52,455 islands.)

Long / Short synonyms


fleeting (fugace estemporaneo)

Sense 1:
short (vs. long)
abbreviated, shortened, truncated
fleeting, fugitive, momentaneous, momentary
short and sweet(predicate)
short-run, short-term

Sense 2:
short (vs. long)
abbreviated, brief
sawed-off, sawn-off, shortened
telescoped, shortened
truncate, truncated

Sense 3:
short (vs. tall), little
chunky, dumpy, low-set, squat, squatty, stumpy
compact, heavyset, stocky, thick, thickset
pint-size, pint-sized, runty, sawed-off, sawn-off
squab, squabby

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Storky (cicogna)

Sense 1:
long (vs. short)
chronic, continuing
drawn-out, extended, lengthy, prolonged, protracted
durable, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived
endless, eternal, interminable
lifelong, womb-to-tomb
long-run, long-term, semipermanent
nightlong, all-night, overnight
weeklong, seven-day

Sense 2:
long (vs. short)
elongate, elongated
elongated, extended, lengthened, prolonged
extendible, extendable
long-handled, pole-handled
long-wool, long-wooled
polysyllabic, sesquipedalian
storky  curiosity

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Long / Short in proverbs

"Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.”

Miguel de Cervantes
 Saavedra (Spanish writer, author of the masterwork 'El quijote', 1547-1616)

giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Long / Short in the patent

Measuring a long time period

United States Patent 7460441

A time period of an event is determined by charging a known value capacitor from a constant current source during the event. The resultant voltage on the capacitor is proportional to the event time period and may be calculated from the resultant voltage and known capacitance value. Capacitance is measured by charging a capacitor from a constant current source during a known time period. The resultant voltage on the capacitor is proportional to the capacitance thereof and may be calculated from the resultant voltage and known time period. A long time period event may be measured by charging a first capacitor at the start of the event and a second capacitor at the end of the event, while counting clock times therebetween. Delay of an event is done by charging voltages on first and second capacitors at beginning and end of event, while comparing voltages thereon with a reference voltage.

mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010

Long / Short measures

METRO METAL BAND   click to know more
It is the most used. It has great accuracy and to take all such measures. To measure long lengths one person, agrees that metal band is quite wide and curved to keep straight without bending.

Long / Short in the mythology

Samson and Delilah

The idea of the length (Long / Short) is in the mythology in the Sanson´s History, the length of his hair as a symbol of male strength. Samson was the leader of the Israelites and had been chosen by God. His long hair, which never cut, gave him superhuman powers. The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. However, she spied for the enemy and betrayed him. One night she cut her hair and so deprived him of his strength. This was the only way in which he could be captured by his enemies.

Long / Short in the comics

Mr. Fantastic

Representative of the concept of length in the comix is Mr. Fantastic.  He is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero and a member of the Fantastic Four. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby.  Reed Richards gained the power of elasticity from irradiation by cosmic rays. He has the ability to convert his entire body into a highly malleable state at will, allowing him to stretch, deform, and reform himself into virtually any shape.

Long / Short etymology

Long, Lungo:

dal latino LONGUS , che ad alcuni sembra stare per  D-LONG-US dalla radice ariana DARGH.  Però forse deriva dal greco LAGGEIN che significa "oziare", "cessare di fare", "indugiare" quindi "lungo per durata temporale".


probably from  SKURTA- ,  skorta "to be short of",  skort "shortness" , scurz "short", from PIE base SKER- "to cut" , with notion of  "something cut off"


dal latino CURTUS che significa "mozzo" , "troncato". Trova la sua base nella radice KAR, KART che ha il senso di "recidere", "tagliare".

giovedì 14 ottobre 2010

Long / Short in the world

English:   Long / Short

Afrikaans:  Lank / kort

Arabic:  طويلة / قصيرة

Armenian:  Երկար ժամանակ / կարճ

Azerbaijani:  Uzun / Qısa

Basque:  Luze / laburra

Bulgarian:  Дълги / къси  Bulgarian

Catalan:  Llarg / curt

Chinese:  長 / 短

Czech:  Dlouhé / krátké

French:  Long / Court

Georgian:  გრძელი / მოკლე

German:  Lange / short

Greek:  Μακρά / βραχυπρόθεσμα

Haitian Creole:  Long / kout

Hebrew:  לונג / שורט

Hindi :  लंबे / लघु    

Hungarian:  Hosszú / rövid

Indonesian:  Panjang / Pendek

Irish:  Fada / gairid  

Italian:  Lungo / Corto  

Japanese:  ロング   /  ショート

Korean:  장기  /  단기

Macedonian:  Долго време / Кратко

Malay:  Panjang / Pendek

Maltese:  Twil / qasir

Norwegian:  Lang / kort

Persian:  بلند / کوتاه

Polish:  Długo / krótkich

Portuguese:  Longoo / curto  

Romanian:  lunga / pe termen scurt

Russian:  Давно / короткие

Serbian:  Дуге /  кратке   

Slovak:  Dlhé / krátke

Spanish:  Largo / Corto 

Swahili:  Muda mrefu / Short

Swedish:  Lång / Kort

Thai:  ยาว / สั้น

Turkish:  Uzun / Kısa

Ukrainian:  Довгий  /  короткий

Urdu:  لانگ / مختصر   

Vietnamese:  Long / ngắn

Wels:  Hir / byr

Yiddish:  לאנג / שאָרט    

Chinese in the world

Our concepts in Chinese are: Long / Short  長 / 短  because we introduce the "/" but without this sign  "長短" mean LENGTH (lunghezza / longitud) which is the union of the two concepts.